Mon 20-Fri 31 May
Summer Sparkle
Summer Sparkle with L'Avenir Team

9.00 am-12 noon (Mon-Fri), at The Gnostic Centre. For 3-6 year olds. A treasure trove of hands-on activities to Nurture Creativity, such as, papier-mache, pottery, artwork, embroidery, making stationery items and musical instruments. The program will help children imbibe sensitivity, patience, perseverance and beauty in all aspects. It will also develop the faculties of concentration and imagination. Details

Participation: Rs.6000 per person for 2 weeks | Rs.3500 per person for 1 week.

Mon 3-Fri 7 Jun
Summer Theatre Workshop
Summer Theatre Workshop with Manish Kumar

9.00-11 am (Mon-Fri), at The Gnostic Centre. For 7-14 year olds. Includes Voice modulation, Body language & movement, Facial expressions, Dialogue delivery, Creating a story, scent, act - and much more.

Participation: Rs.1500 per person. Details

Thu 18 Jul onwards
Scripting Pathways of Change
Scripting Pathways of Change with Anuradha

60-hour Hybrid course, for parents, educators and mentors. Onsite 2.5 hour sessions twice a week, at The Gnostic Centre. A reflective, experiential journey, with practicum included, through 6 to 12 weeks (flexible duration) for a deeper self-connect and insights into integral facilitation. Details

Course fee: Rs.18000 per person.

Collective Meditation & Reading of 'Savitri'
Collective Meditation & Reading of 'Savitri' by Ameeta Mehra

9am to 10am every week, at The Gnostic Centre Meditation Hall. Participation: Free. Explore
